A Message from the
NAIOP New Jersey Chapter President
Welcome to the Thirty-fourth Annual
Commercial Real Estate Awards Gala.
Commercial Real Estate Awards Gala.
On behalf of the Officers, Trustees, Gala Co-Chairs and staff, thank you for your support of our esteemed and accomplished Honorees. To Alex, Peter, the Gensler team, Josh, Assemblywoman Pintor Marin, and the Deal of the Year Finalists, our heartfelt gratitude for all you have done for our great commercial real estate industry. It is truly our honor to celebrate you and your achievements.
This has always been a night for our extended commercial real estate family to gather, reconnect, share. . . and even do a deal or two. The Gala is more than a celebration, it is NAIOP NJ’s biggest fundraising event of the year, providing critical resources for the advocacy, programs, and services our members rely upon every day of the year. We are humbled by and grateful for the incredibly generous support of our Gala Grand Sponsors, and all of our Gem and Journal Sponsors. . .thank you! As we continue to deal with the effects of the pandemic, NAIOP’s core mission remains advocacy. More than 250 NAIOP members take part in our advocacy program by serving on policy committees, testifying in Trenton, contacting legislators, serving on DPAC, or contributing to Funds for the Future. As we navigate the post-pandemic era and work with the Governor’s office, legislative leaders, and our business community colleagues to protect your interests and support economic development, we invite every member to get more involved in this effort. . .and please contribute to Funds for the Future when you renew your membership dues next month. The pandemic has impacted all of us in many different ways, but our industry is resilient and strong, and we look forward to the better days ahead. Sincerely, Constantino T. “Gus” Milano President & COO, Hartz Mountain Industries President, NAIOP New Jersey |